
Running the tests

Run these tests from the project dts_test_project, it comes prepacked with the correct settings file and extra apps to enable tests to ensure different apps can exist in SHARED_APPS and TENANT_APPS.

./manage.py test django_tenants.tests

If you want to run with custom migration executor then do

EXECUTOR=multiprocessing ./manage.py test django_tenants.tests

You can also run the tests with docker-compose

docker-compose run django-tenants-test

Updating your app’s tests to work with django_tenants

Because django will not create tenants for you during your tests, we have packed some custom test cases and other utilities. If you want a test to happen at any of the tenant’s domain, you can use the test case TenantTestCase. It will automatically create a tenant for you, set the connection’s schema to tenant’s schema and make it available at self.tenant. We have also included a TenantRequestFactory and a TenantClient so that your requests will all take place at the tenant’s domain automatically. Here’s an example

from django_tenants.test.cases import TenantTestCase
from django_tenants.test.client import TenantClient

class BaseSetup(TenantTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = TenantClient(self.tenant)

    def test_user_profile_view(self):
        response = self.c.get(reverse('user_profile'))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

Additional information

You may have other fields on your tenant or domain model which are required fields. If you have there are two routines to look at setup_tenant and setup_domain

from django_tenants.test.cases import TenantTestCase
from django_tenants.test.client import TenantClient

class BaseSetup(TenantTestCase):

    def setup_tenant(cls, tenant):
        Add any additional setting to the tenant before it get saved. This is required if you have
        required fields.
        tenant.required_value = "Value"
        return tenant

    def setup_domain(self, domain):
        Add any additional setting to the domain before it get saved. This is required if you have
        required fields.
        domain.ssl = True
        return domain

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = TenantClient(self.tenant)

    def test_user_profile_view(self):
        response = self.c.get(reverse('user_profile'))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

You can also change the test domain name and the test schema name by using get_test_schema_name and get_test_tenant_domain. by default the domain name is tenant.test.com and the schema name is test.

from django_tenants.test.cases import TenantTestCase
from django_tenants.test.client import TenantClient

class BaseSetup(TenantTestCase):
    def get_test_tenant_domain():
        return 'tenant.my_domain.com'

    def get_test_schema_name():
        return 'tester'

You can set the the verbosity by overriding the get_verbosity method.

Running tests faster

Using the TenantTestCase can make running your tests really slow quite early in your project. This is due to the fact that it drops, recreates the test schema and runs migrations for every TenantTestCase you have. If you want to gain speed, there’s a FastTenantTestCase where the test schema will be created and migrations ran only one time. The gain in speed is noticiable but be aware that by using this you will be perpertraiting state between your test cases, please make sure your they wont be affected by this.

Running tests using TenantTestCase can start being a bottleneck once the number of tests grow. If you do not care that the state between tests is kept, an alternative is to use the class FastTenantTestCase. Unlike TenantTestCase, the test schema and its migrations will only be created and ran once. This is a significant improvement in speed coming at the cost of shared state.

from django_tenants.test.cases import FastTenantTestCase

There are some extra method that you can use for FastTenantTestCase. They are.

flush_data default is True which means is will empty the table after each run. False will keep the data

class FastTenantTestCase(TenantTestCase):

    def flush_data(cls):
        return True

use_existing_tenant Gets run if the setup doesn’t need to create a new database use_new_tenant Get run is an new database is created

class FastTenantTestCase(TenantTestCase):
    def use_existing_tenant(cls):

    def use_new_tenant(cls):